Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday is GOOD!

Yes, for most; sunday is the day before they have to go back to work. Around here; it is a friday. My spouse is off for three days; monday, tuesday, and wednesday. Those four tens are awesome! I mean, seeing as he was usually there way past his scheduled hours when working five days a week; this made sense to jump on that shift.

So, every sunday I call and wish him "Happy Friday!"

For me today; I woke up with a headache that went into a migraine, that went back to a headache, then back to a migraine. The worst part of this is that I am now having jaw issues. It just doesn't want to "sit" right. (weird)

One of the folks I reconnected with recently is finally in New York. He is back home in Buffalo after living in Las Vegas for 47 years! Even he admits that he looks 10 years younger... must be attributed to getting OUT of Las Vegas.

I've lived there. It will suck all of your serenity out of you if you let it. I was amazed at how different the outside world was when I moved away. I like it out here; and have no desire to go back. Not even for "fun."

Well, to wrap up; I started my internship; and I love it! I can't wait until next week when I get to go back. Observing how the staff interacts with their  clients was amazing. The care, dedication and hard work really shows. I could only hope to eventually achieve that same level that the staff puts out to their clients. I really don't want to say where the internship is, for fear it would jinx it! Just bear with me. It will come out at some point.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Those Wonderful Life-Changing Events

It seems that most of the "life-changing" events I have heard of lately come about through negative situations. This is terribly unfortunate.

Fortunately, I have been blessed to witness truly positive life-changing events in not only my life; but also in the circle of folks I hold dear to my heart.

My best friend is celebrating today. She made it through so many changes (all at one time!) to earn her Bachelor's degree. Although it is more prevalent these days for people to work full-time, take care of family and home and pursue their degrees, I must say that I admire those who actually accomplish their dream. Kelly, you are my hero!

Another great friend; a woman of grace and dignity is also fulfilling her dream - she has earned her Associate's degree; and is on her way to her Bachelor's. I miss hanging out with her on "our" granite block with the built-in ashtray. Smoking, drinking coffee, complaining and laughing hysterically at life, and looking out over the ocean all the while. Congratulations, Bekkah! You ROCK!!! I knew you could do it!

Recently, I managed to hook back up on the internet with a friend from *gasp* 30 years ago! He was still in Las Vegas; and, after 47 years has made the decision to leave. He is heading back home to New York. It is always an emotional time, leaving those people and places we have become such a part of. It takes real strength, commitment, and dedication to the goal to actually follow through. He is just days away from the big move and I am just as excited for him as he is about the move. Done good, George! Done good!!!

There is a young man in my life who amazes me every day. He has persevered through much adversity in his life. Even in the midst of the insanity he has not lost his sense of humor and determination. He has the ability to see the big picture; and when he can't, he'll call me. Sometimes a guy needs his mom; and he just needs her to listen and give moral support. The last chat we had was just wonderful - he has begun the process necessary to sign up for school. We'll see where that goes; but you know what? He doesn't give up easily! Mike, I am so proud of you! Every day that pride just grows. How about them Cowboys?? He knows what that means...

My niece is yet another one in my life going through a life-changing event! I must say that my excitement is mostly selfish - her family is being transferred much closer to ME!! Yes, it will be a wonderful change for them; and for ME, too! *running in circles* Good luck with the move, Melly!

And now for me. Aside from the internship; today is mine & my husband's 11th anniversary. At 2 pm we were officially married. That was a life-changing event for me; because I was finally able to trust again. AND, I made a commitment! *yet another gasp* I think that the very best and astounding part is that we still LIKE each other!! I can only compare us to Bogie & Bacall. That was a love story for the ages. I love you, my favorite husband!! I am now THE wife! (inside joke)

So yes, my day today is all filled with puppies, rainbows and butterflies... but I really like puppies, rainbows and butterflies. Looks like it's going to be a good day!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Little Piffs and Poofs

"Piffs and poofs?"

Yes, just my words (today) for bursts of creative energy and sudden bored lethargic moments. This week will be an emotional roller coaster for me. One week from today, I will be starting my internship.

"Why is that such a big deal?"

It is a big deal because I have been a full-time student for seven (7) years now. That means I have not had to work, and this will be a big change for me. As a student, I would set up my own schedule; deciding to hold off on a course or two in the summer for fun in the sun. Now I will have to abide by a schedule that someone else will set up for me. (That isn't a bad thing, though!)

On sunday, Not only does a good friend graduate with her Associate's degree (on her way to her Bachelor's), my best friend is celebrating her graduation with friends and family; it is also mine and my husband's anniversary. I have to choose where to be - so someone will be disappointed! (I don't like disappointing friends!)

Wednesday brings me to my eye appointment, and he will probably tell me my eyes have caught up with my chronological age. (47) Blech

Thursday, a good friend that I have reconnected with is moving back to Buffalo from 47 years in Las Vegas, which puts him in much better space. I am thrilled for him, and me, too ~ closer for us to visit and catch up!

Then here we are at friday; the first day of the internship. I get excited/anxious when I get ready to step into the great unknown. It sounds just perfect for me, however!

Just a quickie: I have always wanted to go into law enforcement. That is what I have an Associates, a Bachelors, and now (almost) a Masters in. I waited much too long to pursue this career. A local PD actually went so far as to invite me to take the physical fitness test (which is one of the first steps). I was so grateful, but I just cannot do push-ups. This internship must have been on the horizon; which is why I was not right for the PD position.

I have learned in the last 10 years that if you are struggling and pushing for (insert activity/life decision here), there may be a reason you are not accomplishing your goal. It might not be the right course of action, and you need to be patient (yeah, right) and flexible! The perfect fit is just down the road.

Now that I have whined and delved way to deep into my emotional roller coaster... I will return you to your regularly scheduled programming....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pen Turning

I just love wood turning! My best girlie pal, Kelly, and I have been turning out Russian spindles like mad (no pun intended ~ or, maybe so!). We have become pretty darn good at it; if I may say so:

These are the last three I have turned...

Now for the pens. After getting past the realization that I would have to shell out more $ for more attachments to fit my lathe, I shelled out more $ and picked up said attachments to fit my lathe. Okay. That being said; I have had a great time turning pens! Such a change from turning spindles. Itty-bitty wood blanks use itty-bitty chisels. "When I grow up I wanna be a BIG chisel!"

Okay, yes, my tools talk to me.

Well! Here is the first pen I turned; it is Cocoboula wood, and probably my favorite wood for pens so far:

Next; I made one out of Redheart, then out of Purpleheart. Of course, the Purpleheart came out PERFECT. The Purpleheart is on top; and by process of elimination, the bottom one is Redheart.

Life is good when there's wood....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday at 1 p.m. part II

I got the internship! Starting a week from friday. It feels like a good fit. Met the Chief of Operations and one of the other interns today, very nice people. (must remember to ask where they park)

So for now that's it!

*running in circles, bouncing along the way...*

Tuesday at 1 pm

Here it is, the day I meet with the Operations Manager for the company I hope to do my internship with. The clothes and accessories are chosen, clean, ironed and ready to go. I'm breaking the cardinal rule of matching shoes and bag. Brown shoes with black bag... the world should be ending soon. Just warning you.

We did a "dry run" yesterday because I'm not used to driving around the city much less where the offices are located. It was actually fairly easy to find, off the highway, and a series of right hand turns. (insert relieved sound byte of your choice here)

Before we headed home, the spouse suggested a breakfast at Denny's. I hadn't been to a Denny's in years, so off we went. Sometimes one needs to treat themselves to a heart attack on a plate. It sated my hunger, and lasted all day! We didn't even have dinner that night. Oof. no wonder it had been so long since I'd dined there.

The hair is not drying fast enough for me. I never blow dry my hair. Why would I wash this thick mop of mine; only to turn around and blast it with really hot air and in turn, make my head sweat? Eew! Admit it; you've been there.

Well, it is just after 10 am, and 11 is my start time for shower and prettying up. Going to play a computer game for a bit.

Update to come....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Some of my favorite things...

Spinning on my Golding spindles
(Alpaca/silk, BTW)

Combing Fleece
(Lincoln fleece from Miller's)

Bailey, My Min-Pin/Chi pup!

Phoebe, My Blue & Tan Dobie!

Starbucks Mocha Java Chip Frappacinos
(When I have been a good girl; or a bad girl~ its all in the interpretation)

Knitting my first shawl from custom hand-dyed, spun 100% Finn

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Semester is over

For those who have been in school; you will understand what I mean by "end of the semester" syndrome. It involves staring at your book bag, pacing uncontrollably, and not having anything school-wise to stress about. Which is ironic; because that is causing me stress.  I can't sit still long enough to knit or spin. I did, however, take the pups outside and comb the CVM/Romney fleece that Kelly and I split.

Changing the subject, I have some new words and definitions for you to peruse and give me your take on. Think about these when you are driving. They are as follows:

Slowcornerturner: person driving a car that takes a corner waaaaaay to slow.

Slowtakeroffer: person driving a car that is aware that the light has changed; but doesn't want to wear out their accelerator pedal.

Lightrollerupper: person who rolls forward at a light. The irritating part of this is that as anxious as they appear, they are actually a slowtakeroffer.

Leftlanehostagetaker: this is the person on the turnpike that pulls into the left lane; and does just under the speed limit, thereby trapping drivers behind them.

Disclaimer: this is by no means a complete list. I am sure that in time it will be expanded to accommodate additional life situations we all deal with.

Again, feel free to add your experiences to the list!

Change of subject # 2
Drum carders. Yup. Borrowed Kelly's. I am returning it to Kelly at the soonest possible date. Yup. I tried it. I must add here that I am a fleece whore, but a very particular one. I am also a huge fan of combing my fleece into top.

Yup. I tried it. I cleaned it off to keep my batts pristine. Yup. tried to run the fluffed-out locks through the "picker" roller, waiting excitedly to see the fleece building up on the big drum. Where the hell is it???? Oh, there it is; wrapped around the "picker" part. 

Okay, cleaned that off and tried again. Same deal. Okay. decided to fluff out a bump of hand-dyed roving from my Spunky Eclectic fiber club. Yup. Ended up laying the fluffy bits on the drum, and turning that. It worked better, but not to my satisfaction.

Yup. It's back in the Jeep waiting for the first available date to take it back to Kelly.

I'm a comb snob and I will just have to *sigh* accept it....