Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Time for silliness

I haven't had skype on my computer for very long. In my attempt to act as though I am doing something important to everyone else in the house; I started playing around with it. Well! Here is the result of the "test chat."

You just can't leave me alone with communication devices.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Long Overdue Update

Well! It sure has been a while since my last entry. Life has been overwhelming, and I admit this has been the furthest task from my mind.

My 79 year-old mother fell at the end of June. Like the gal she is, "Oh, no, I don't need to go to the emergency room or my doctor."

On July 4th, she was at the ER. Nothing showed on the X-ray, so they sent her home with a few pain pills. 10 days later; the pain was progressing. So, a bone scan, followed. That was wednesday. we waited until monday, no word. It was time to call the doctor's office; and the Red Head had to take charge.

"No, the results haven't been faxed over yet. But we'll set your mother up with an appointment today to have another look at her."

"Could I give radiology a call?"

"let's see, (silence) I'm still checking to see if it's on the computer."

"Could I give radiology a call?"

"Oh, no... I'll do that."

"Okay, bye."

(waiting a while, decided to call radiology myself)

Yeah. Called radiology. It was just signed by the doctor who read the films. The gal on the phone said she hadn't heard from the doctor's office yet, but she'd fax them over right away (which she did). I mentioned to her that she will probably get a call later from the doctor's office for these results. She gave a knowing chuckle and agreed. Go figure.

Sitting in the exam room at said doctor's office. NP finally comes in, checks the computer for the written report. She has a fractured her t11 vertebrae.

"We'll set you up with the Spine Clinic, they are very good."(Gave her a prescription for 30 vicodin)

Checking mom out at the front desk:

"She's all set; you can go ahead and go!"

"But wait, you're supposed to set her up with the Spine Clinic."

"Oh... (looks perplexed) do you know which one?"

"You don't know?"

"Well, we'll find out and set it up. It may take a few days."


After waiting 3 days, the Red Head called the Spine Clinic. (Here we go again) This was thursday.

"They are working up the case now."

"Could we go ahead and set up the appointment?"

"Let me transfer you back there to talk to them."

"You have reached ____, Please leave your name.... " You know the rest. Left the voice mail.

Friday, while I was at my internship; they called with the appointment.

August 17 - gee, let's see..... that's three weeks and three days from then. Really????? That long with a fractured spine? 

I really wish I was home when they called. FUCK!

Mom ran out of pain killers sunday, so off the the ER we go. They were baffled how long she would have had to wait to get in to this famous (at this point) Spine Clinic.

Today: mom is in the hospital where she will get the care she needs for her back, bed sore, and diet. She has lost 10 pounds which she could not afford to lose. OT will evaluate her and most likely send her to inpatient rehab. Chances are; she will be out before her appointment would have come around.

Aside from my issue with the idiots we have had to push out of the way, my fear was that mom would become so downtrodden that she would just "give up."

My message in this update?
Don't assume that people are looking out for you or your loved ones. Get on the horn and start making phone calls. Get pushy. Find out where the next step will take place and take the initiative to get the ball rolling. If the result is bullshit; work out a plan B.

If you are not comfortable doing that; find yourself a fiery Red Head like myself who will call for you. Please!

That is all. I will now return you to your regularly scheduled web surfing.