There we were a few months ago; Kelly & I plotting and planning for Fiber Frolic in Windsor, Maine. Last year was the first time we attended, and scored some pretty decent fleece. Yes, we were pumped for this year.
Special note here: We are a pair that travel very well together. We leave early to hit the road, always get a primo parking spot; and have plans of action for when we arrive at our destination. And, we know when to leave.
Kelly spent Friday night at my house, where we tightened up the plan of action. Left at 6 am to get up to the fair. At the time we were just mildly concerned about the weather. If we get wet, no big deal. This kind of sugar just don't melt....
before the weather tuned bad
SO! About halfway there, it started to rain a bit, and the skies went almost black, as though it were 8:00 at night. Then there was the lightening. Then there was the thunder. Then there was the blinding rain. Kelly pulled off the highway, and we sat on Rt. 1 for a while, just waiting for one or both of us to burst out crying! It didn't happen; and the rain let up a bit. I took over, but we ran into another storm band that wasn't too bad, but there was sooooo much water on the road we were hydroplaning like a bastard. Uh-uh. No way.
Pulled off in Topsham and chilled at Starbucks. I smoked a LOT, then we hit the road again. The thought of turning back never occurred to us; as we are TRUE fiber whores!!! We had a wonderfully pleasant day, with the exception that we weren't good to ourselves nutrition-wise.
In comparison to our experience with the Duchess County, NY Sheep & Wool Festival; we didn't go totally "Filene's Basement" in the fleece barn. It was so nice to be really picky about what we were looking for. (again, the plan) The other reason, I'm sure, was that we each had less than 1/3 of the $ we had for NY! (Damn the almighty dollar)
The first fleece Kelly jumped on (she high-tails it for the show fleece every time) was beautiful! At over $125.00, it was at the top of our budget. She bought another one instead, for about $85.
After paying for our purchases, we wandered around to take in the rest of the festival. I have to post this picture first, as the little one jumped straight into my heart:
Two days old, all legs and ears. and full of attitude! *sigh*
I wasn't really interested in purchasing anything beyond fleece, so random things caught my attention, such as this sign ~ a quote from the Yarn Harlot. I love it!
I am falling in love with Alpaca. Those lovable, tubular, luxurious fleece producing beings. There weren't quite as many present as last year, most likely because of the weather and the lack of the Alpaca/Llama parade. (hrmph) Those that were present were mostly momma and babies, so it was difficult to get close to them for 'Paca kisses. (darn it) But they were still cute as the day is long:
The little one kept reaching her head through, and looking around with here long neck! I tried to kneel down to get closer, but momma was there in a heartbeat so I'd back off. I think she could tell I respected her feelings regarding the little one, and didn't get upset. Pretty cool.
There were folks there from the CVM conservation society (if I have that information incorrect, I will correct it later), and we learned so much about CVMs! (That is California Variegated Mutant) It is an amazing fleece. Kelly and I are contemplating going with CVM in addition to Alpaca when land becomes available. It is a rare breed, and we'd like to do our part!
Okay, so about now is when the hunger set in. Turning around to view the "food" area ~ I use that term loosely~ we had to decide which of the "heart-attack-on-a-plate" menus we were going to choose from. Well, call it phallic, or just the least of all evils, but here is what I chose:
It's "naked" because I knew it was going to talk to me later, and I preferred to ride back with Kelly IN the car. (You're welcome, Kelly) I won't even tell you what she got on HERS!!! Mwaaaaah!
All right, back on track. After I had yet another smoke and a bathroom break, we moseyed back to the fleece barn to see if Kelly's fleece had been judged yet... well, ain't WE sumpin'! Just in time to see them roll it out on the table (several people, including us, gasped at this sight!):
Ahem, the judge had some wonderful comments. (Kelly has it on video) It came in third! Yay!! Damn that girl is GOOD!
We had to wait for all the judging to be completed, so more wandering, me taking smoke breaks. Sitting there chatting, with a small yet significant amount of money burning holes in our pockets, we made the decision to pool it and pick up another one to split. Couldn't find what we were looking for, so Kelly picked one, and I picked this one from Miller's;
Kelly isn't big on Romney, but I love a long wool. The crimp, color, and staple length suited me fine. In addition, the fleece from the Miller's have always been just wonderful. (and they are wonderful people)
Before we left, we had to stop by Amy's booth. She's the shit dealing with anything fiber. (Spunky Eclectic) She had several "yarnies" (not bad people, just not "fleecies") at her booth. When we walked up and plopped our bags 'o' fleece in front of her she said, "Now here are MY people!" We're her peeps! Yay!
We love you, too, Boogie!
Whew. The ride home wasn't near as long, and I was burnt toast by the time I walked in the door. Oh, a quickie to share with you; as usual, I realized I had to pee. We were damn close to my house, so I wasn't concerned. WELL! Less than a mile from home, there was lightening, and a clap of thunder that was LOUD and CLOSE!!! Quick clenching reaction and nearly knocking over the furniture on my way through the house, and I was fine. Interesting end to the trip.
Of course that is not all. Kelly and I were splitting two fleece, so we rolled them out to split them. They were actually fairly free of VM, and clean! The husband peeked out in the garage, saw what we were doing, and just went back in the house. Spouses of fiber whores are so understanding.
It was a great day!
ReplyDeleteLove me some Mr. Sausage! Ooops, I mean I love me some fleece, some fleece!