Sunday, May 16, 2010

Those Wonderful Life-Changing Events

It seems that most of the "life-changing" events I have heard of lately come about through negative situations. This is terribly unfortunate.

Fortunately, I have been blessed to witness truly positive life-changing events in not only my life; but also in the circle of folks I hold dear to my heart.

My best friend is celebrating today. She made it through so many changes (all at one time!) to earn her Bachelor's degree. Although it is more prevalent these days for people to work full-time, take care of family and home and pursue their degrees, I must say that I admire those who actually accomplish their dream. Kelly, you are my hero!

Another great friend; a woman of grace and dignity is also fulfilling her dream - she has earned her Associate's degree; and is on her way to her Bachelor's. I miss hanging out with her on "our" granite block with the built-in ashtray. Smoking, drinking coffee, complaining and laughing hysterically at life, and looking out over the ocean all the while. Congratulations, Bekkah! You ROCK!!! I knew you could do it!

Recently, I managed to hook back up on the internet with a friend from *gasp* 30 years ago! He was still in Las Vegas; and, after 47 years has made the decision to leave. He is heading back home to New York. It is always an emotional time, leaving those people and places we have become such a part of. It takes real strength, commitment, and dedication to the goal to actually follow through. He is just days away from the big move and I am just as excited for him as he is about the move. Done good, George! Done good!!!

There is a young man in my life who amazes me every day. He has persevered through much adversity in his life. Even in the midst of the insanity he has not lost his sense of humor and determination. He has the ability to see the big picture; and when he can't, he'll call me. Sometimes a guy needs his mom; and he just needs her to listen and give moral support. The last chat we had was just wonderful - he has begun the process necessary to sign up for school. We'll see where that goes; but you know what? He doesn't give up easily! Mike, I am so proud of you! Every day that pride just grows. How about them Cowboys?? He knows what that means...

My niece is yet another one in my life going through a life-changing event! I must say that my excitement is mostly selfish - her family is being transferred much closer to ME!! Yes, it will be a wonderful change for them; and for ME, too! *running in circles* Good luck with the move, Melly!

And now for me. Aside from the internship; today is mine & my husband's 11th anniversary. At 2 pm we were officially married. That was a life-changing event for me; because I was finally able to trust again. AND, I made a commitment! *yet another gasp* I think that the very best and astounding part is that we still LIKE each other!! I can only compare us to Bogie & Bacall. That was a love story for the ages. I love you, my favorite husband!! I am now THE wife! (inside joke)

So yes, my day today is all filled with puppies, rainbows and butterflies... but I really like puppies, rainbows and butterflies. Looks like it's going to be a good day!

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